South Norwood Primary School

South Norwood Primary School

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History And Geography




We are historians

We will inspire pupils to develop wonderment and curiosity about past eras and events throughout the history of South Norwood, London, The United Kingdom and of the wider world. By using the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) themes we will build memorable experiences that enhance learning and understanding.

We are geographers

We will inspire a curiosity of South Norwood, London, the United Kingdom and the World and those within it through the National Curriculum and the IPC.  We will create learning opportunities that enhance understanding and build lifelong memories of the world around them.

We teach the full National Curriculum for History and Geography.

We use the themes from the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) which provides themes for every year group from Year 1 – Year 6.

The IPC has been developed to provide support to teachers so that four main aims can be achieved.  They are:

To help children learn the subject knowledge, skills and understandings they need to become aware of the world around them

To help children develop the personal skills they need to take an active part in the world throughout their lives

To help children develop an international mindset alongside their awareness of their own nationality

To do each of these in ways which take into account up-to-date research into how children learn and how they can be encouraged to be life-long learners

Our curriculum is bespoke to our content:

In local history we study the Clock tower, the history of the school which opened in 1872 for Victorian children, the history of the railway, as Norwood Junction, a Victorian station is on our doorstep and the imipact of bombing on the local area in WWII. 

In geography fieldwork we think about features we walk past on the way to school, how the buildings have changed in South Norwood,  how the community has changed, the weather and climate of the local area and we compare features of South Norwood to a link school in Egypt.  

Geography - Learning Ladder

Geography National Curriculum Coverage

Geography overview by IPC Topic

History National Curriculum Coverage

History - Learning ladders

History overview by IPC Topic