South Norwood Primary School

South Norwood Primary School

Home | Learning | Curriculum | Subjects | PSHE





OFSTED January 2023

The curriculum has been designed to help pupils to understand the importance of good physical and mental health, including appropriate relationships. Pupils have many opportunities to take a lead in their school and bring about change. For example, school council members explained how they had influenced the school lunch menu to include more vegetarian options. They also asked school leaders to provide more left-handed pens. Pupils behave well. They are positive and purposeful in their learning, demonstrating mutual respect towards adults and their peers.

We are respectful citizens

We will give children opportunities to explore and understand how each individual is unique. We will help them develop the skills, using our school rules, IPC personal goals and British Values to recognise and respect diversity and individual differences.

At South Norwood Primary School we deliver Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education (PSHCE), through the 3D programme of study. We strive for children to become independent and healthy citizens of their local community.

Through PSHCE, children are able to share their thoughts and opinions, build their confidence and understand morals to ensure they can independently make the right choices.

As well as timetabled PSHCE sessions, children also participate in an additional circle time session where we further discuss communications skills, healthy relationships and lifestyles, celebrate our cultures and appreciate our many differences which make us at South Norwood Primary School special.

Relationships Education (Statutory)

Making friends and developing healthy relationships are important skills in life. We tackle these with the children through a variety of ways from class circle time, class discussions and assemblies. We encourage children to understand that we are all individuals and that we live in a multi cultured society. We do not tolerate bullying, racism or homophobic language in school and all incidents are treated seriously. The school has its own bullying, behaviour and discrimination policies.

Health Education (Statutory)
Over the years in school, we hope to give children a basic health knowledge and understanding of human development according to the ages and maturity of the children. The aim of teaching pupils about physical health and mental wellbeing is to give them the information that they need to make good decisions about their own health and wellbeing. It should enable them to recognise what is normal and what is an issue in themselves and others and, when issues arise, know how to seek support as early as possible from appropriate sources. We promote pupils’ self-control and ability to self-regulate, and strategies for doing so. This enables them to become confident in their ability to achieve well and persevere even when they encounter setbacks or when their goals are distant, and to respond calmly and rationally to setbacks and challenges. One of our school personal goals is Resilience. 

PSHE overview 2023-24

PSHE Progression of Skills 2023-24

UKS2 coverage matrix

KS1 coverage matrix

ks1 personal wellbeing skills ladder

ks2 personal wellbeing skills ladder

LKS2 coverage

Relationships POS

Health wellbeing POS

We are respectful citizens

We will give children opportunities to explore and understand how each individual is unique. We will help them develop the skills, using our school rules, IPC personal goals and British Values to recognise and respect diversity and individual differences.

At South Norwood Primary School we deliver Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education (PSHCE), through the 3D programme of study. We strive for children to become independent and healthy citizens of their local community.

Through PSCHE, children are able to share their thoughts and opinions, build their confidence and understand morals to ensure they can independently make the right choices.

As well as timetabled PSCHE sessions, children also participate in an additional circle time session where we further discuss communications skills, healthy relationships and lifestyles, celebrate our cultures and appreciate our many differences which make us at South Norwood Primary School special.

Relationships Education (Statutory)

Making friends and developing healthy relationships are important skills in life. We tackle these with the children through a variety of ways from class circle time, class discussions and assemblies. We encourage children to understand that we are all individuals and that we live in a multi cultured society. We do not tolerate bullying, racism or homophobic language in school and all incidents are treated seriously. The school has its own bullying, behaviour and discrimination policies.

Health Education (Statutory)
Over the years in school, we hope to give children a basic health knowledge and understanding of human development according to the ages and maturity of the children. The aim of teaching pupils about physical health and mental wellbeing is to give them the information that they need to make good decisions about their own health and wellbeing. It should enable them to recognise what is normal and what is an issue in themselves and others and, when issues arise, know how to seek support as early as possible from appropriate sources. We promote pupils’ self-control and ability to self-regulate, and strategies for doing so. This enables them to become confident in their ability to achieve well and persevere even when they encounter setbacks or when their goals are distant, and to respond calmly and rationally to setbacks and challenges. One of our school personal goals is Resilience. 

SN PSHCE Overview 22-23